Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa
- Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Build
- Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Leatherworking
- Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Classic
- Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Gear
See the most popular gear for Outlaw Rogue including helms, shoulders, chest, trinkets and enchants in World of Wacraft. Welcome to the Outlaw Rogue DPS guide written by Perfecto. I've been a Rogue since 2006 and have played in multiple top guilds such as Inner Sanctum, Underground Kosmonavts, etc. I have raided with Method since 2012. Home Forums The World of Warcraft BfA Archive Level 20-29 F2P Rogue BiS GEAR Discussion in ' Level 20-29 ' started by Zooka, Aug 14, 2018. Best in Slot by Exolink @ Razorgore (EU) WHAT THE ADDON IS FOR Best in Slot was created primarily to assist guilds with loot distribution. It allows the user to easily see what classes have the item as a BIS, and when they will replace - thus being able to assign class priority on the fly. Wow Bfa Outlaw Rogue Best In Slot money bonuses which means that you get an amount in cash to play for. There is then also the Wow Bfa Outlaw Rogue Best In Slot free spins which often is limited to a specific type of game. We always recommend the Wow Bfa Outlaw Rogue Best In Slot free cash since then you often have more freedom to select.
Azerite Traits
Spec Specific Azerite Traits
Deadshot: This is the azerite trait you want in any situation. It's great in AoE and great on single target. In almost every case you'd want three of these traits in your gear.
Brigand's Blitz: is a stacking buff that increases your haste during your Adrenaline Rush. Ideally, you only want 1 of those in your gear as the value of haste drops when you start capping energy from the excess haste.
Keep Your Wits About You: is an excellent trait for cleave that you should always be using in M+ situations or any time there's cleave in the raid.
Ace up your Sleeve: is a great single target trait that relatively stackable. The extra combo points from the proc speed up your CDR.
Loyal to the End is a fairly decent new trait that gives mastery, increasing with the more people that have it in your raid. Mastery is not that strong for Outlaw so in most cases you don’t want to be taking this trait at all.
Recommended Azerite Traits
For single target you want to stack Deadshot and/or Ace up your Sleeve.
Single Target Setup:
- 3x Ace up your Sleeve
- 2x Deadshot
- x1 Keep Your Wits About You
For an AoE Setup:
- 3x Deadshot
- 1x Keep Your Wits About You
- 1x Ace up your Sleeve
- 1x Brigand's Blitz
New Essences in Patch 8.3
Breath Of The Dying is a new essence that will be gated behind Uldum Accord reputation. This looks like our go-to minor essence, with an extra bonus during execute range.
Spark of Inspiration increases the damage of people in your party, within 15 yards, by 45% on a 1 minute cooldown (when used on a major slot) and is more of a supportive essence. The minor effect gives you and up to 2 of your allies (on rank 3) a proc of haste and cooldown reduction on your main essence.
Formless Void allows you to copy the essence of your target, with passive corruption reduction. Its minor boosts your main stat every time an ally uses an essence.
Essences Recommendations
Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Build
Condensed Life-Force should be your go to major essence unless you are killing the boss in less or around 3 minutes, in which case you should be using BotE. In terms of usage, you don’t need to think too much of it, you should use it before stealth on your opener, and then on cooldown during the fight.
Blood of the Enemy is great for both ST and cleave and especially in shorter fights. I tend to use this Essence quite often on fights where I’m not certain if my CLF will get 2 full uses, and always on Zaqul/Azshara.
Memory of the Lucid Dream is your best minor that you almost always want to be using regardless of boss.
Crucible of Flame is your go-to choice for fights where it’s mostly single target that matters.
Vision of Perfection is great for shorter fights where you can get an extra Adrenaline Rush in.
Essence of the Focusing Iris gives you stacking haste which is good overall.
Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Leatherworking
Purification Protocol is excellent for cleave and especially Za’qul with the adds being aberrations.
Corruption on gear has a chance to proc a positive effect, with 3 tiers of potency. The higher the tier, the more corruption on the item.
There are several positive effects on gear, some prominent ones right now are: Infinite Star, Echoing Void and Twilight Devastation.
Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Classic
Infinite Stars is a random proc from any ability that strikes a random target, debuffing it with a stack of Infinite Stars. This will increase damage taken by 25% from your Infinite Stars proc, stacking up to 10 times.
Echoing Void stacks up each time you deal damage, with a chance to collapse each time you gain a stack, dealing shadow damage to all nearby enemies.
Best In Slot Outlaw Rogue Gear Bfa Gear
Twilight Devastation is a beam in a cone facing in-front of you and is mostly good for AoE.