Poker Four Bet
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While four-betting is a simple move in theory, many players make errors at this stage by either choosing the wrong starting hands or by messing up their bet sizing. Stay with us as we explore the key decisions you need to perfect before you become a Texas Hold’em poker four-betting expert! When considering a four-bet for value the first thing. A 4-Bet is the 4th raised bet during one single round (E.G. Re-Raising someone elses 3Bet.) The 4Bet is an effective play in all formats of poker when used correctly! Some common poker hand odds are open-ended straight draws at 4.8:1, four to a flush at 4.1:1, inside straight (belly buster) at 10.5:1, one pair drawing to two pairs or trips at 8.2:1, overcards. Another bet is available (similar to the Pairplus in Three Card Poker), based only on the player's four card hand, called the Aces Up. Seven pay tables are available as indicated below. The only one I know of to be actually used is pay table 5. Three betting is a critical part of modern poker. Before the advent of online poker, a third bet in no limit and pot limit games generally indicated a very strong hand. Now, as games have gotten more aggressive, the three bet is used quite liberally by players in cash and tournament play alike.
Crazy 4 Poker is a poker variation invented by Roger Snow and is marketed by Shufflemaster. It has been around since about 2004 and one of the more successful poker-based casino games.
Video Tutorial
Video uses our practice Crazy 4 Poker game.
- Play starts with the player making equal bets on the Ante and Super Bonus. The player may also bet on the Queens Up side bet at this time.
- Following is the ranking of hands from highest to lowest:
- Four of a kind.
- Straight flush
- Three of a kind
- Flush
- Straight
- Two pair
- Pair
- Four singletons
- All player and dealer get five cards each.
- The player decides to fold or raise by making a Play wager.
- If the player folds he forfeits all bets.
- The Play bet may be up to three times the Ante bet if the player has at least a pair of aces. Otherwise, the Play bet must be exactly equal to the Ante bet.
- Players make their best four-card poker hand, and discard the fifth card.
- After all decisions have been made, the dealer will turn over his cards and select the best four out of five.
- The player's hand shall be compared to the dealer's hand, the higher hand winning.
- For purposes of the Ante bet only, the dealer needs at least a king high to open.
- The Ante bet pays as follows:
- Dealer does not open: Ante pushes.
- Dealer opens and player wins: Ante wins.
- Dealer opens and ties: Ante pushes.
- Dealer opens and wins: Ante loses.
- The Play bet pays as follows:
- Dealer does not open: Play wins.
- Dealer opens and player wins: Play wins.
- Dealer opens and ties player: Play pushes.
- Dealer opens and wins: Play loses.
- The Super Bonus bet pays as follows. It is not pertinent whether or not the dealer opens.
- Player has straight or higher (beating dealer not required): Super Bonus wins according to pay table below.
- Player has less than straight and wins or pushes: Super Bonus pushes.
- Player has less than straight and loses: Super Bonus loses.
Super Bonus Pay Table
Player Hand | Pays |
Four aces | 200 |
Four 2-K | 30 |
Straight flush | 15 |
Three of a kind | 2 |
Flush | 1.5 |
Straight | 1 |

Optimal strategy would be tedious and complicated memorize. However, the player can get extremely close to it with this simple strategy. Follow the first rule to apply.
- Make large raise when allowed (with pair of aces or higher).
- Make small raise with K-Q-8-4 or higher.
- Fold all other.
The increase in house edge with the KQ84 strategy, compared to optimal, is 0.000089%.
The next table shows the return of the Ante bet under optimal player strategy.
Ante Bet
Event | Pays | Combinations | Probability | Return |
Win | 1 | 1,415,369,375,148 | 0.355028 | 0.355028 |
Push | 0 | 473,003,972,892 | 0.118647 | 0.000000 |
Loss | -1 | 2,098,272,755,400 | 0.526325 | -0.526325 |
Total | 3,986,646,103,440 | 1.000000 | -0.171298 |
The next table shows the return of the Play bet under optimal player strategy. A win of 0 also includes folding, in which case a raise bet was never made.
Raise Bet
Win | Combinations | Probability | Return |
3 | 671,609,661,948 | 0.168465 | 0.505394 |
1 | 1,215,649,215,684 | 0.304930 | 0.304930 |
0 | 938,265,298,824 | 0.235352 | 0.000000 |
-1 | 1,093,014,959,196 | 0.274169 | -0.274169 |
-3 | 68,106,967,788 | 0.017084 | -0.051251 |
Total | 3,986,646,103,440 | 1.000000 | 0.484904 |
The next table shows the return of the Super Bonus bet under optimal player strategy.
Super Bonus Bet
Event | Pays | Combinations | Probability | Return |
Four aces | 200 | 73,629,072 | 0.000018 | 0.003694 |
Four 2-K | 30 | 883,548,864 | 0.000222 | 0.006649 |
Straight flush | 15 | 3,178,321,608 | 0.000797 | 0.011959 |
Three of a kind | 2 | 89,974,725,984 | 0.022569 | 0.045138 |
Flush | 1.5 | 175,813,952,424 | 0.044101 | 0.066151 |
Straight | 1 | 156,167,261,712 | 0.039173 | 0.039173 |
Push | 0 | 1,485,273,310,140 | 0.372562 | 0.000000 |
Loss | -1 | 2,075,281,353,636 | 0.520558 | -0.520558 |
Total | 3,986,646,103,440 | 1.000000 | -0.347795 |
The next table summarizes the Ante, Play, and Super Bonus bets. The sum shows the player can expect to lose 3.48% for every hand played, compared to the size of his Ante (or Super Bonus) bet. For example, if the player started with $10 on both the Ante and Super Bonus, then he could expect to lose 34.8¢, assuming optimal strategy.
Bet | Return |
Ante | -0.171298 |
Raise | 0.484904 |
Super Bonus | -0.347795 |
Total | -0.034189 |
The next table shows the net overall win between the Ante, Play, and Super Bonus under optimal player strategy.
Net Win
Win | Combinations | Probability | Return |
204 | 56,580,432 | 0.000014 | 0.002895 |
203 | 17,048,640 | 0.000004 | 0.000868 |
34 | 764,060,808 | 0.000192 | 0.006516 |
33 | 119,340,480 | 0.000030 | 0.000988 |
26 | 147,576 | 0.000000 | 0.000001 |
19 | 2,708,500,216 | 0.000679 | 0.012908 |
18 | 467,451,204 | 0.000117 | 0.002111 |
15 | 239,544 | 0.000000 | 0.000001 |
11 | 2,130,644 | 0.000001 | 0.000006 |
6 | 75,428,689,424 | 0.018920 | 0.113522 |
5.5 | 140,729,630,976 | 0.035300 | 0.194151 |
5 | 132,528,726,036 | 0.033243 | 0.166216 |
4.5 | 26,782,817,436 | 0.006718 | 0.030232 |
4 | 240,544,812,516 | 0.060338 | 0.241351 |
3 | 51,462,003,780 | 0.012909 | 0.038726 |
2 | 859,165,302,444 | 0.215511 | 0.431022 |
1.5 | 11,157,384 | 0.000003 | 0.000004 |
1 | 356,744,817,336 | 0.089485 | 0.089485 |
0 | 842,169,384 | 0.000211 | 0.000000 |
-2 | 938,364,828,496 | 0.235377 | -0.470754 |
-2.5 | 8,290,346,628 | 0.002080 | -0.005199 |
-3 | 1,106,499,736,032 | 0.277552 | -0.832655 |
-5 | 45,115,566,024 | 0.011317 | -0.056583 |
Total | 3,986,646,103,440 | 1.000000 | -0.034189 |
The bottom right cell of the table above shows a house edge of 3.42%. This is the ratio of the expected player loss to the Ante bet. One might argue that since the Super Bonus bet is required I define the house edge as the expected loss to the sum of the required starting bets. However, in the interests of consistency with how the term is defined in other games, I choose to base the house edge on the Ante only. So, for every $100 you bet on the Ante you can expect to lose $3.42 between the Ante, Raise, and Super Bonus combined.
The standard deviation is 3.13, based on the Ante bet.
Overall the player has a 18.56% chance of making a big raise, 57.93% for a small raise, and 23.51% for folding, for an average final wager of 3.14 units. Thus, the element of risk of the game (ratio of expected loss to average total bet) is 3.42%/3.14 = 1.09%.
Queens Up
As far as I know, there are four pay tables available for the Queens Up, according to the choice of casino management. Most Las Vegas casinos use pay table 4.
Queens Up Pay Tables
Player Hand | Pay Table 1 | Pay Table 2 | Pay Table 3 | Pay Table 4 |
Four of a kind | 50 to 1 | 50 to 1 | 50 to 1 | 50 to 1 |
Straight flush | 30 to 1 | 40 to 1 | 30 to 1 | 40 to 1 |
Three of a kind | 9 to 1 | 8 to 1 | 8 to 1 | 7 to 1 |
Flush | 4 to 1 | 4 to 1 | 4 to 1 | 4 to 1 |
Straight | 3 to 1 | 3 to 1 | 3 to 1 | 3 to 1 |
Two pair | 2 to 1 | 2 to 1 | 2 to 1 | 2 to 1 |
Pair of queens or better | 1 to 1 | 1 to 1 | 1 to 1 | 1 to 1 |
Queens Up — Pay Table 1
Event | Pays | Combinations | Probability | Return |
Four of a kind | 50 | 624 | 0.000240 | 0.012005 |
Straight flush | 30 | 2,072 | 0.000797 | 0.023917 |
Three of a kind | 9 | 58,656 | 0.022569 | 0.203121 |
Flush | 4 | 114,616 | 0.044101 | 0.176403 |
Straight | 3 | 101,808 | 0.039173 | 0.117518 |
Two pair | 2 | 123,552 | 0.047539 | 0.095078 |
Pair of Qs to As | 1 | 242,916 | 0.093467 | 0.093467 |
Loser | -1 | 1,954,716 | 0.752115 | -0.752115 |
Total | 2,598,960 | 1.000000 | -0.030606 |
Queens Up — Pay Table 2
Event | Pays | Combinations | Probability | Return |
Four of a kind | 50 | 624 | 0.000240 | 0.012005 |
Straight flush | 40 | 2,072 | 0.000797 | 0.031890 |
Three of a kind | 8 | 58,656 | 0.022569 | 0.180552 |
Flush | 4 | 114,616 | 0.044101 | 0.176403 |
Straight | 3 | 101,808 | 0.039173 | 0.117518 |
Two pair | 2 | 123,552 | 0.047539 | 0.095078 |
Pair of Qs to As | 1 | 242,916 | 0.093467 | 0.093467 |
Loser | -1 | 1,954,716 | 0.752115 | -0.752115 |
Total | 2,598,960 | 1.000000 | -0.045203 |
Queens Up — Pay Table 3
Event | Pays | Combinations | Probability | Return |
Four of a kind | 50 | 624 | 0.000240 | 0.012005 |
Straight flush | 30 | 2,072 | 0.000797 | 0.023917 |
Three of a kind | 8 | 58,656 | 0.022569 | 0.180552 |
Flush | 4 | 114,616 | 0.044101 | 0.176403 |
Straight | 3 | 101,808 | 0.039173 | 0.117518 |
Two pair | 2 | 123,552 | 0.047539 | 0.095078 |
Pair of Qs to As | 1 | 242,916 | 0.093467 | 0.093467 |
Loser | -1 | 1,954,716 | 0.752115 | -0.752115 |
Total | 2,598,960 | 1.000000 | -0.053175 |
Queens Up — Pay Table 4
Event | Pays | Combinations | Probability | Return |
Four of a kind | 50 | 624 | 0.000240 | 0.012005 |
Straight flush | 40 | 2,072 | 0.000797 | 0.031890 |
Three of a kind | 7 | 58,656 | 0.022569 | 0.157983 |
Flush | 4 | 114,616 | 0.044101 | 0.176403 |
Straight | 3 | 101,808 | 0.039173 | 0.117518 |
Two pair | 2 | 123,552 | 0.047539 | 0.095078 |
Pair of Qs to As | 1 | 242,916 | 0.093467 | 0.093467 |
Loser | -1 | 1,954,716 | 0.752115 | -0.752115 |
Total | 2,598,960 | 1.000000 | -0.067772 |
Poker Four Bet Odds
6-Card Bonus
Some casinos add on a side bet known as the 6-Card Bonus. This side bet is found on multiple poker-derivative games, so I created a special page for it. For more information, please see my page on the 6-Card Bonus.
Millionaire Progressive
This is a $5 'red light' progressive side bet that pays $1,000,000 for a royal flush in spades, using the player's five cards. For all the rules and analysis, please see my page on the Millionaire Progressive.
Practice Game
Before you play for real money, practice your Crazy 4 Poker game right here.
Internal Links
There is also a similar game called Four Card Poker.
External Links
Shufflemaster's official web site for Crazy 4 Poker.
Written by:Michael Shackleford
It is the same as a re-re-raise and generally applies to pre-flop play in no-limit texas hold’em games. So if a player and another player raised again, this bet would be considered a four-bet.
The concept refers to all four-betting situations, whether four-betting for value or as a bluff. When four-betting as a bluff it’s referred to as light 4-betting.
EXAMPLE “Action folded to the CO who raises. The player on the BTN 3-bets and I 4-bet small with AA in the big blind hoping to get more action out of the very aggressive BTN 3-bettor.”
The reasons for four-betting with a big hand are pretty self explanatory. If you have a premium hand like AA, KK, QQ, you want to start building the pot preflop.
Poker For Beginners Rules
Watch the video below to better understand how to 4bet light.
Poker Four Betting
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