Streamelements Roulette Commands
- Twitch Subscriber giveaways and make use of Twitch Subscriber commands check the checkbox. Finally click 'Connect' and if everything went well then your GameWisp will be connected. Step 6: Refreshing the Database Next go to the Subscribers tab on the Main UI and click the Refresh button to grab all your current GameWisp Subscribers.
- This command allows you to temporarily ban someone from the chat room for 10 minutes by default. This will be indicated to yourself and the temporarily banned subject in chat on a successful temporary ban. A new timeout command will overwrite an old one. The command also supports banning for a specific set of time via the optional seconds value.
Channel Points is a customizable points program that lets streamers reward members of their community with perks, including a taste of benefits typically reserved for subscribers.
For creating a reminder that will be PM'd to the streamer after the stream.
Channels: Friendlybaron
!afterstream Take out the garbage
Proxy command: !bet2
Used for managing bets where people can bet with Honkos.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Public functions:
!bet B 100
Bets 100 Honkos on option B in this case.
!bet status
Shows your bets you have placed so far.
!bet current
Displays the current bet and options.
Shows help for the command
Moderator only functions:
!bet new Will Serenniel win the next race? Yes No
Starts a new bet. First comes the topic, then all the options, with everything separated by a character.
!bet close
Closes the current bet, meaning noboby can place more bets.
!bet reopen
Re-opens the current bet (if it's closed).
!bet finish A
Finishes the bet with A as the winning option in this case.
!bet cancel
Cancels the current bet and refunds all betted Honkos.
Proxy command: !bid2
For managing bids where people can bid with Honkos. When bidding is ended, the highest bidder is announced as the winner.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Public functions:
!bid 100
Bids 100 Honkos.
!bid current
Shows the current bid.
Shows help for the command
Moderator only functions:
!bid new Picking the car for the next race
Starts a new bid.
!bid finish
Finishes the bid. The highest bidder is announced, and it makes them pay their bid at the same time.
!bid cancel
Cancels the current bid.
Creates a twitch clip of the past 60 seconds with a given title instead of having to use the janky clip editor. Must contain a title.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
!clip woah a thing just happened
Creates a clip which will then be linked in chat with the title 'woah a thing just happened'.
Moderator only command
When Baron complains too much, it makes him pay Honkos to all viewers as a punishment. The amount increases each time the command is used during a stream.
Channels: Friendlybaron
Related command: !sr
Displays the current song playing on stream.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Streamelements Roulette Commands Generator
Shows how many Honkos you have. Honkos are our 'loyalty points' system. You can use them for !songrequest, the !leaderboard, betting, raffles, and more. You gain 10 honkos every 10 minutes, and Subscribers get a bonus 10.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Related commands: !delquote, !editquote
Used for adding/viewing quotes from the streamer. It costs 30 Honkos to add a quote, and when a quote is used specifically, its creator receives 10 Honkos (up to once every 30 minutes).
Anyone can add or view quotes, but only mods or the quote's creator can edit or delete them.
!quote add 'the quote goes here' - name
This format of the quote in quotations then the space dash space then name of the person who said the quote must be followed.
!quote 69
Will say quote 69 in chat.
Channels: Friendlybaron
Moderator only command
Adjusts the Honkos of a user. The adjustment can be between -1500 and 1500.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
!reward Jahgee 30
Links to an earlier point in the stream by returning a VOD link with a timestamp.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
!rewind 2 minutes
This would give a direct link to 2 minutes earlier in the stream.
Related commands: !currentsong, !srremaining, !srconfirm, !srcost, !srundo, !srpromote
Requests a song to be played on stream. A request costs 30 Honkos, and a second request costs 300 Honkos. Price doubles for every song you put in the queue if there are less than 10 songs in queue though.
Songs must be requested via the direct link to a YouTube video, or the video ID from YouTube. No other sites are supported.
The streamer can choose to have song requests off, but still allow them in 'expensive mode', where the price is 50x the normal price, and you have to confirm request with !srconfirm.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Related commands: !sr
Shows how many Honkos you would need to pay for requesting a song at that time.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel

Related commands: !sr
Takes you to the SR History page, This page shows all songs recently requested, and how long until they play if still in queue.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Proxy command: !q
Related commands: !sr
Shows the remaining play time of the song queue.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Related commands: !sr
This command will remove the most recent song you requested from queue, and refund you the Honkos.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Related commands: !sr
This command will promote the most recent song you requested to the top of the queue for 500 Honkos + 30 Honkos per song in queue. You can preview the price it will cost to promote on !srhistory.
Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel
Moderator only command
When Baron swears on stream, it makes him pay Honkos to all viewers as a punishment. The amount increases each time the command is used during a stream.
Channels: Friendlybaron
Reminds Baron to drink water. (This used to give bonus honkos but was removed when viewers got over 200, it became too spammed)
Channels: Friendlybaron
Has a 50/50 chance to balance the universe of the user for 60 seconds.
Channels: Friendlybaron
Lists out all the BTTV emotes and FrankerFaceZ emotes. Google them for more info, but they add extra emotes, most of them animated, to twitch chat.
Channels: Friendlybaron
Shows the current weather forecast in GTA Online.
Channels: Friendlybaron
For use whenever Baron makes a driving mistake.
Channels: Friendlybaron
StreamElements is the leading platform for live streamers on Twitch and YouTube. StreamElements includes Overlay management, ChatBot, Tipping, Alerts and Loyalty.
I use StreamElements in my streams for store rewards, commands and giveaways.
I haven’t been streaming much lately so the store is currently empty. Sorry about that.
You will receive 10 points every 10 minutes when the stream is live. It is also possible to gain points by subscribing, following, hosting and tipping.
Subscribers will receive 20 points every 10 minutes.
Points can be used in my Stream Store, giveaways or in chat mini games such as Duel, Slots and Roulette.
!points – check your points.
!roulette <points/all> – play roulette for points.
!duel <username> <points> – duel with other viewers for points.

!slots <points/all> – play the point slot machine. (disabled)
Every now and then we will have giveaways in chat with prizes varying from free spins to shares of my withdrawal.
Type !giveaway in chat to see if there is a giveaway running.
Write !ticket <amount of points> in chat in order to join. Once the giveaway is live, I will tell you how many tickets you can buy.
Usually the giveaway will run for some time so don’t worry if you don’t have enough points yet. You can always collect a few more by waiting or just buy less tickets than the maximum amount.

If you are one of the lucky winners, you should receive a whisper or PM from me shortly after the stream. Or you could make my life easier and send me a whisper instead with your username or email (or whatever is required). /w @miikapekka <your message>.
!commands – check all the channel commands.
!uptime – check how long I’ve been streaming.
!start – check the starting balance of the bullet.
!chatstats – see all the cool chat statistics!
!accountage – check when your Twitch account was created.
!followage – see when you first started following my channel.
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