Texas Holdem Rechner
Nov 16, 2020 In Texas Hold'em, poker odds are THE probability tool you need as a poker player. In fact, you should always be thinking about poker odds - yours and your opponents' - when making decisions. In short, poker odds is the probability of you winning that hand, or the price it offers (pot odds). The ICM calculator shows how much money each player receives according to the Independent Chip Model (or ICM). It’s also possible to show how much a chip chop deal pays out or even how much a mix of both deals pays out.
- CASINO HOLD'EM STRATEGY CALCULATOR. Select two player cards and three community cards. You can make the card selections by clicking on the deck of small cards or by entering the cards manually using the text boxes.
- You must understand what all the poker hands are when playing Texas Hold'em. To get you up to speed, here's a quick rundown of hand order. Royal Flush - 10, J, K, Q, A of the same suit.
- Texas Hold'Em Poker Odds and Statistics to Make You a Better Player your game down to snail mode, as only% of hands are premium hands in poker. Unser Poker Odds Rechner kann blitzschnell Pokerrunden simulieren und berechnen, mit wie hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit Ihre Hand gewinnt, damit Sie den anderen Spielern einen Schritt voraus sind.
This poker bankroll calculator allows you to work out which limits you should be playing at in poker depending on how much money you have in your bankroll.
This calculator is based around the rules of basic no limit Texas Holdem bankroll management, which are:
- You should have at least 20 times the buy in for cash games.
- You should have at least 40 buy ins for SnG tournaments.
This bankroll calculator will tell you; which limits you should be playing at, how many buyins you have for that level, how much more money you need to win to move up to the next level and advice on how to approach the games at your limit.

The bankroll calculator.
Quick Stats |
Advice |
How to use the bankroll calculator.
- Enter your bankroll to the nearest Dollar (no decimals).
- Choose your game type. (only works for NL Holdem cash games at the moment).
- Let the calculator know if you are a US or a Non-US player (for room recommendation reasons).
- Click 'Calculate'!
Make the calculator better.
If you have any comments about the calculator or would like to offer advice on how it can be improved, I would love for you to shoot me an email at greg[at]thepokerbank[dot]com. I would really appreciate any feedback that you can give to help improve the bankroll calculator.
Go back to the handy Texas Hold'em tools.
Here's a nice free pot odds calculator tool from ThePokerBank called 'SPOC'. Enjoy.
What is SPOC?
Texas Holdem Rechner Real Money
SPOC is a free Simple Pot Odds Calculator program that calculates your pot odds and odds of completing your draw based on the number of outs you have and on the pot and bet sizes.
It also tells you how much more you would need to win after completing your draw to break even if you do not currently have the correct odds to call.
It stays on top of other windows during play and helps you to work out your odds with those tricky drawing hands.
Note 1: As you can see on the bottom line, SPOCv2.5 shows that would need to win a further $22.22 from you opponent later on in the hand to break if you make the call in this spot. This is related to implied odds.
Note 2: In SPOC, the 'Pot $' field includes your opponent's current bet. So in the example above, a opponent has just bet $10 in to an existing $10 pot, making the Pot $ $20 and the Bet $ $10
Why use SPOC?
SPOC is really basic, but then that's the beauty of it. SPOC is not meant for just blindly churning out the odds when you have a drawing hand, it's designed to help you form a better understanding of ratios and all that mathematical stuff to do with drawing hands.
If you want a program that automatically outputs the stats and tells you what to do, you can pay $69.95 for Texas Calculatem. If you want to get to grips with drawing odds and familiarise yourself with the most common ratios and percentages for different situations, try SPOC.
So please, for your own good and the benefit of your game use your head as much as possible. In fact, as soon as you get used to the numbers just leave SPOC behind. It's a great tool for learning - just don't grow to rely on it.
How to use SPOC.
Before you use SPOC, it's best that you familiarise yourself with the pot odds article. Just remember that:
If your pot odds are greater than your chances of hitting your draw. CALL.
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The odds charts will also be helpful for figuring out how many outs you have for different drawing hands. But for quick reference:
- Flush draw - 9 outs.
- Straight draw - 8 outs.
- Gutshot straight draw - 4 outs.
- Straight and flush draw - 15 outs.
SPOC features.

- Calculates pot odds.
- Calculates implied odds (or how much you need to win if you do not have the right pot odds to continue).
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Old versions.
SPOCv2.1 - An earlier version of SPOC without the implied odds calculator built in. Handy for those of you that are too optimistic with the amount of money you expect to win after hitting your draw.
Buy Iain a beer.
If SPOC has helped you win a few extra pots and taught you how to make the right calls when on drawing hands, why not send Iain (the developer) a few dollars for a congratulatory beer?
Go back to the Texas Hold'em software.